Joan Theubel (left in photo), who spoke about an Earthwatch research project “Crusader Castle in Cyprus”, was introduced by Mary Anne Maloney.
First, Joan gave some background on the Earthwatch project. Saranda Kolones (meaning 40 columns) in Cyprus is an archeological site of historical significance. The name was given by the people of Paphos (Pafos), Cyprus, on the Southwestern part of Cyprus, who talked about marble columns projecting out of a field. Historian and archeologist John Rosser wondered what they were talking about so he started research in the area. He found that in 1191 AD Richard the Lionheart conquered a castle in Cyprus. Rosser wondered if remains of a castle on the site were from the one Richard conquered. The objective of the Earthwatch project was to determine if the marble columns have anything to do with the castle.
As archeologists dug down in the fields they reached the original level of Bronze Age settlements. On top of that are Greek Hellenistic ruins. On top of that are Roman remains. On top of that is the Byzantine layer. Finally, on the surface are the castle fortifications under study. The question was, “were these fortifications built before 1191?” If true, this would suggest that it was the castle conquered by Richard the Lionheart.
We do know that there were some Arab raids in the area around 650 AD. If the site was the conquered castle, it had to be built between 650 and 1191. It is known the Richard the Lionheart was on his 3rd Crusade when the castle surrendered to him. It is known that the existing castle under study was heavily damaged by an earthquake in 1122 AD.
The research is of interest to historians who study military techniques over the years. Castles could be European, where there is a wall surrounding a Keep building. Or else they could be Arab and built with concentric walls. The subject castle had concentric walls. It is possible that the castle was constructed by Crusaders following the Arab style because it might have been easier to defend. It also had a “Sally Port” (like sally forth). This is a doorway and tunnel leading out of the castle.
Joan showed many very beautiful slides of Paphos, Cyprus. The Earthwatch workers resided in a nice modern condo style apartment. The site is a great place to go for vacation, with many lovely flowers. Her photos showed how later generations reused construction materials from old ruins to build new structures.
Joan dug outside and between the castle walls to see if there was any sign of construction between 650 and 1191. Workers found, washed, identified and stored objects which they uncovered using a trowel, dental tool and brush. Professional workers used laptop computers to research items as they were uncovered. The remaining walls are in pretty good shape. For example, they found charcoal left by ancient residents cooking a meal. They also found remains of human bodies. Joan showed many excellent slides illustrating details of the castle, including arches, millstones, walls and plumbing. She showed examples of reusing the Hellenistic marble columns in construction of the castle.
Earthwatch workers found no evidence of construction between 650 and 1191. Clearly, this castle was not there when Richard the Lionheart arrived. The Crusaders built it in an Arab style using some of the found marble columns. At the end of the talk, the audience applauded this very interesting and entertaining talk. To learn more, click here to check out this Cyprus Castle web site. Also click here to view John Rosser document website regarding the project.
July 17 Program: Nora Parker, Executive VP at St. Hubert's Giralda, Inc., presented a program on St. Hubert's Animal Welfare Center
Nora Parker (left in photo), Executive Vice President of St. Hubert's Animal Welfare Center (St. Hubert’s Giralda, Inc.) spoke at the July 17 Kiwanis breakfast meeting. Betty Anne Keat on the right arranged this interesting and inspiring presentation. To learn more, please visit
Pet Adoption,
St. Hubert's
Announcements: Kiwanis July 17 Meeting
Mary Anne reminded everyone about the Sparta Kiwanis August 2 Steak Bust. Call Nancy Boucher to learn more. Also, the NJ District Convention is August 17-19 in New Brunswick. Tom Mullin reminded everyone about the Chatham Library picnic to be held on August 23 behind the library from 3:45 pm to 5:15 pm. Member volunteers are asked to arrive at 3:15 pm to set everything up for this fun event. Looking ahead, mark September 18 on your calendar for the Installation Dinner at Brooklake Country Club.
July 10th Lunch Program: Shannon Maldonado, Health Education Coordinator for Atlantic Health, presented "Laughter in Medicine."
Shannon Maldonado (left), Health Education Coordinator for Atlantic Health is introduced by Betty Anne Keat. Shannon presented “Laughter in Medicine.” She works at the Morristown Medical Center. They recently changed their name from “Memorial Hospital” because the campus has grown to cover much more the hospital services.
Shannon started her presentation by asking everyone to laugh as loud as they could. The room filled with laughter and everyone else in the restaurant wondered why we were laughing. She said that our laugh was the best she had ever heard. We are filling our lungs with air while we laugh, which is a very good thing to do. More importantly, “Laughter is the best Medicine.” Laughter is a human trait that extends across all cultures and ages. Some laughter is appropriate; some is not (like making fun of someone). Also, we laugh at different humorous situations because of our personal preferences. Laughter is controlled by our brain, working with muscles.
Laughter is good for our health. Laughter reduces our stress hormones. In a stressful situation, try to laugh it out. It boosts our immune system. It lowers our blood pressure and increases blood flow. It is a natural pain killer.
Laughing 100 times is equivalent to 10 minutes on a rowing machine. Instead of a lot of hard exercise, try to laugh a lot. An average six-year old laughs 300 times per day and adult laughs 17. We adults should be less serious and laugh more. Watching a couple of hours of funny TV reruns will burn 100 calories. No chips allowed.
When you are in a stressful situation, we need to Laugh Out Loud (LOL is used a lot in texting, email, etc.). Remind yourself that life is about having fun. Lighten up. Read a funny book. Laugh at yourself. Tell jokes. Browse humorous books at Barns and Nobel. Browse funny cards at Hallmark. Build your own laughter library. Figure out what makes YOU laugh. Wear a smile.
The audience happily applauded this great presentation.
Shannon started her presentation by asking everyone to laugh as loud as they could. The room filled with laughter and everyone else in the restaurant wondered why we were laughing. She said that our laugh was the best she had ever heard. We are filling our lungs with air while we laugh, which is a very good thing to do. More importantly, “Laughter is the best Medicine.” Laughter is a human trait that extends across all cultures and ages. Some laughter is appropriate; some is not (like making fun of someone). Also, we laugh at different humorous situations because of our personal preferences. Laughter is controlled by our brain, working with muscles.
Laughter is good for our health. Laughter reduces our stress hormones. In a stressful situation, try to laugh it out. It boosts our immune system. It lowers our blood pressure and increases blood flow. It is a natural pain killer.
Laughing 100 times is equivalent to 10 minutes on a rowing machine. Instead of a lot of hard exercise, try to laugh a lot. An average six-year old laughs 300 times per day and adult laughs 17. We adults should be less serious and laugh more. Watching a couple of hours of funny TV reruns will burn 100 calories. No chips allowed.
When you are in a stressful situation, we need to Laugh Out Loud (LOL is used a lot in texting, email, etc.). Remind yourself that life is about having fun. Lighten up. Read a funny book. Laugh at yourself. Tell jokes. Browse humorous books at Barns and Nobel. Browse funny cards at Hallmark. Build your own laughter library. Figure out what makes YOU laugh. Wear a smile.
The audience happily applauded this great presentation.
Morristown Medical Center,
Announcements – July 10, 2012 Kiwanis Meeting
Nancy Boucher (right in photo) welcomed Ed and Doris Gluck from the Kiwanis Club of Youngstown, Ohio. Nancy met them at the 2001 Kiwanis International Convention in Taipei. Ed said that his Kiwanis club has met or 96 years in the same room in the YMCA located in downtown Youngstown. He and Doris were happy to attend the Chatham-Madison Kiwanis meeting and to be part of the camaraderie.
Mary Anne noted that the Kiwanis participation in the HOT, HOT Independence Day parade was a huge success. She thanked Mal for leading the project and other members for participating. She asked members to look at postings of photos by Ron and videos by Stu. Mary Anne thanked Weichert and Coviellos for providing the trucks. She also noted that Karen’s Lady Liberty torch received many complements. Chatham Band sounded great, as usual. She also announced that several scholarship winners had sent thank-you notes and she passed these around the tables. She also mentioned a wonderful email from 2009 Chatham Scholarship winner Erin Boehmer.
Keep in mind the Steak Bust offered by the Sparta Kiwanis Club on August 2. The NJ District Kiwanis Convention is August 17-19 in New Brunswick.
Mary Anne noted that the Kiwanis participation in the HOT, HOT Independence Day parade was a huge success. She thanked Mal for leading the project and other members for participating. She asked members to look at postings of photos by Ron and videos by Stu. Mary Anne thanked Weichert and Coviellos for providing the trucks. She also noted that Karen’s Lady Liberty torch received many complements. Chatham Band sounded great, as usual. She also announced that several scholarship winners had sent thank-you notes and she passed these around the tables. She also mentioned a wonderful email from 2009 Chatham Scholarship winner Erin Boehmer.
Keep in mind the Steak Bust offered by the Sparta Kiwanis Club on August 2. The NJ District Kiwanis Convention is August 17-19 in New Brunswick.
Kiwanis Honors Chatham Girl Scouts Gold Award Winners – June 19, 2012
On June 19 Mary Anne Maloney, President of Chatham-Madison Kiwanis Club, presented the “you make a difference” award to each of the Chatham Gold Award Winners. The ceremony was held at Brooklake Country Club to honor the Girl Scouts in Chatham Borough and Chatham Township who earned the Girl Scout Gold Award.
Girl Scouts,
Gold Award
Kiwanis marches in Chatham July 4th parade for ELIMINATE
On July 3rd, the Lady Liberty float was decorated at Chatham Main (photo by Stu Shippey).
Early on July 4th, the Chatham Community Band float was decorated at Coviello’s.
Members congregate before the parade started.
Chatham Community Band float.
Kiwanis members marching down Main Street.
Lady Liberty float.
Kiwanis President Mary Anne Maloney poses with Lady Liberty at the end of the parade. It was
a great parade!
Independence Day Parade
July 3 Kiwanis Luncheon Meeting Program: Eric Hafen, Artistic Director of the Bickford Theatre in Morristown

Betty Anne Keat introduced Eric Hafen, Artistic Director of the Bickford Theatre in Morristown, NJ.
Bickford Theatre,
June 26 Kiwanis Meeting: Michael LaSusa, Superintendent of School District of the Chathams.
Kiwanis President Mary Anne Maloney with Mike LaSusa, Superintendent of the School District of the Chathams at the June 26 breakfast meeting (photo by Bob Stannard).
Mike LaSusa, former CHS principal and Assistant Superintendent of Schools, has been involved in the Chatham school system for twelve years. Senior students in the district number about 280, of which 90% are expect to attend a four year college. In his remarks to our members, he said that this is an exciting time to be involved in education. Research on cognitive development is expanding rapidly, and school boards are starting to consider the qualities needed for success in life. They are discovering the importance of ability to connect with people, to tolerate diversity, and even to learn another language (usually classified as ‘right brain’ activities). He predicted that eventually a master’s degree in fine arts may come to compete with the MBA degree.
These trends may encourage some reorientation in our schools, including a rediscovery of the values of recess, sports, and other forms of exercise. The movement toward teacher evaluations has already reached Chatham, and the Board has approved the new model calling for a four-year pre-tenure period.
The question period was lively, and Mike received many compliments for his enthusiasm and willingness to look to a bright future for our children.
Mike LaSusa, former CHS principal and Assistant Superintendent of Schools, has been involved in the Chatham school system for twelve years. Senior students in the district number about 280, of which 90% are expect to attend a four year college. In his remarks to our members, he said that this is an exciting time to be involved in education. Research on cognitive development is expanding rapidly, and school boards are starting to consider the qualities needed for success in life. They are discovering the importance of ability to connect with people, to tolerate diversity, and even to learn another language (usually classified as ‘right brain’ activities). He predicted that eventually a master’s degree in fine arts may come to compete with the MBA degree.
These trends may encourage some reorientation in our schools, including a rediscovery of the values of recess, sports, and other forms of exercise. The movement toward teacher evaluations has already reached Chatham, and the Board has approved the new model calling for a four-year pre-tenure period.
The question period was lively, and Mike received many compliments for his enthusiasm and willingness to look to a bright future for our children.
School District of the Chathams
Steven Coppola, Coach of the Madison Little League Kiwanis Baseball Team Spoke at June 26 Breakfast Meeting.
Steven Cappola, Coach of the Madison Little League Kiwanis Team presents a photo showing the members of the 2012 team to Kiwanis President Mary Anne Maloney (Photo by Bob Stannard).
Coach Coppola told us of his pleasure at coaching a fine team, and receiving the strong support from our Chatham/Madison Kiwanis Club. As a gift for our cub, he brought a framed photo of the team members. He thanked us for the invitation to the meeting, and said that it was even more of a pleasure ‘having our sponsors at the game to root us on’. “Kinda like having George Steinbrenner there for the Yankees”. Steve invited our members and friends to come to the Rosedale Avenue ball field to enjoy and cheer for the Kiwanis Team.
In a follow-up message, he commented on the last (winning) game: “Ryan Stafanick pitched the first five innings, and then after we went up by 2 in the top of the 6th, I put (my son) Steven in to close the game. He said, ‘Dad, why do you have to do this to me? My reply was, ‘Cause I know you will get the job done’. He came in, and like a true closer, threw one pitch to the first batter, who hit a ground ball, threw two pitches to the next, who also hit a ground ball, and four to the next, who popped out to first.”
Coach Coppola told us of his pleasure at coaching a fine team, and receiving the strong support from our Chatham/Madison Kiwanis Club. As a gift for our cub, he brought a framed photo of the team members. He thanked us for the invitation to the meeting, and said that it was even more of a pleasure ‘having our sponsors at the game to root us on’. “Kinda like having George Steinbrenner there for the Yankees”. Steve invited our members and friends to come to the Rosedale Avenue ball field to enjoy and cheer for the Kiwanis Team.
In a follow-up message, he commented on the last (winning) game: “Ryan Stafanick pitched the first five innings, and then after we went up by 2 in the top of the 6th, I put (my son) Steven in to close the game. He said, ‘Dad, why do you have to do this to me? My reply was, ‘Cause I know you will get the job done’. He came in, and like a true closer, threw one pitch to the first batter, who hit a ground ball, threw two pitches to the next, who also hit a ground ball, and four to the next, who popped out to first.”
Little League,
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