Noon luncheon meetings are held on the first two Tuesdays of each month, at Charlie Brown's Steakhouse in Chatham Township. Breakfast meetings are held at 8:00 AM on the last two or three Tuesdays of each month. Breakfast meetings are held at Charlie Brown’s Steakhouse in Chatham Township. Guests are always welcomed to attend our Tuesday meetings. COME JOIN US


Announcements:Kiwanis March 8 Meeting

Charlie Brown's delicious lunch buffet
Betty Anne Keat announced that CHS Key Club is holding a Restaurant Day fundraiser at Friendly’s in New Providence on Thursday, March 10 from 5:00 to 8:00 pm. CHS Key Club is meeting Wednesday at 7:30 pm in the cafeteria. She also has Fish and Chips posters for placing on bulletin boards. Alan said preparation for Fish and Chips is going fine. Nancy Boucher announced that Parsippany Kiwanis will be having their 9th wine-tasting event on March 24 at Bretton Woods in Morris Plains with a served dinner and silent/live auctions, all for $65.  Nancy Holt spoke about the April 12 Awards Reception, 7:30 pm at Charlie Brown’s. NJ District Governor Marc Litwack announced that Nancy Boucher will be the 2011-12 NJ District Coordinator for the Kiwanis International Foundation.

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