Noon luncheon meetings are held on the first two Tuesdays of each month, at Charlie Brown's Steakhouse in Chatham Township. Breakfast meetings are held at 8:00 AM on the last two or three Tuesdays of each month. Breakfast meetings are held at Charlie Brown’s Steakhouse in Chatham Township. Guests are always welcomed to attend our Tuesday meetings. COME JOIN US


Kiwanis helps “Stamp out Hunger” on May 11, 2013

 Members of Chatham-Madison Kiwanis Club worked with US Postal workers in support of the “Stamp out Hunger” program on May 11, 2013. When postal workers delivered mail on that day, they picked up bags of groceries left beside the mailbox by local residents. When the delivery workers returned to the Chatham post office, they helped Kiwanians transfer bags of food from the mail trucks to awaiting SUV’s for delivery to the Interfaith Food Pantry in Morris Plains. Total weight of all that food was 1,455 pounds. This was less than last year because of the bad weather.

The above sign showed the way for the caravan of Kiwanis vehicles to deliver urgently needed food to the Interfaith Food Pantry.
Volunteers were on hand to empty the food into carts for sorting and placing on shelves for needy Morris County clients. Check out the Interfaith Food Pantry website.

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