Noon luncheon meetings are held on the first two Tuesdays of each month, at Charlie Brown's Steakhouse in Chatham Township. Breakfast meetings are held at 8:00 AM on the last two or three Tuesdays of each month. Breakfast meetings are held at Charlie Brown’s Steakhouse in Chatham Township. Guests are always welcomed to attend our Tuesday meetings. COME JOIN US


Announcements: Kiwanis May 31 Meeting

President Dick Plambeck described the Chatham Memorial Day Ceremony, using plaques newly refurbished by American Legion Post 43. Also, the Kiwanis NJ District Convention will be August 19-21 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, Somerset, NJ (we will be the host club). Dick mentioned that information on the ELIMINATE project is available on Kiwanis websites.  Gary Arnesen reported that the Chatham Ogden St. clean-up went well and six bags were filled with litter, including spikes discarded by railroad workers. He thanked club members for their hard work and announced that the next clean-up will be in July. Jerry Cunningham reported that the Veterans flag-placement at Fairmount Cemetery was well-attended and he thanked the members for their work. Nancy Holt reported that the she received a thank-you letter from the Interfaith Food Pantry with photographs of their new building under construction. Dick noted that the Chatham Community Garden will harvest and deliver produce to the Food Pantry on a weekly basis during the summer. Tom Mullin passed around a sign-up sheet for the Fishawack pulled-pork booth.

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