Noon luncheon meetings are held on the first two Tuesdays of each month, at Charlie Brown's Steakhouse in Chatham Township. Breakfast meetings are held at 8:00 AM on the last two or three Tuesdays of each month. Breakfast meetings are held at Charlie Brown’s Steakhouse in Chatham Township. Guests are always welcomed to attend our Tuesday meetings. COME JOIN US



New President Dick Plambeck (Left) takes gavel from Rich Behling
The Kiwanis Club of the Chathams and Madison celebrated their eightieth anniversary at Brooklake Country Club on September 22, 2010. The club, chartered on August 7, 1930, raises funds which are contributed to youth-oriented community organizations and scholarships. Club officers and directors for the new 2010-11 year were also installed at the same dinner. Outgoing President Rich Behling turned his post over to incoming President Dick Plambeck. Officiating at the installation of officers was Joseph O’Neill, Lieutenant Governor of New jersey Division 10, which includes Chatham-Madison Kiwanis.

President Plambeck presented awards to several members in attendance. To Cory Fuller, he presented a Distinguished Member award for her support of the Kiwanis International Foundation. Doug Bryant and Rich Behling were given the Distinguished Member achievement award in recognition of their innovative leadership during terms as President of the club. Bob Stannard won the award for publishing the best newsletter in the club’s district and in the entire state of New Jersey.

Mark Esposito
Also present was Mark Esposito, Governor of the NJ District of Kiwanis International. Esposito congratulated the club on growing the number of members, encouraging all members of the club to participate actively in projects and for generally doing things right. He also officially recognized members who have over 25 years with the club. Marc Litwack, who is a member of the Chatham-Madison Kiwanis, was recognized for being elected to the position of Governor of the NJ District for the 2010-11 year, replacing Esposito.

Year 2010 Officers Pose for a photo.

Front Row: Ron Whalin, Mary Anne Maloney, Bob Stannard, Karen Swartz and Melanie Sze.  Back Row, Joe O'Neill (District 10 Gov.), Dick Plambeck, Rich Behling, Doug Bryant and Monty Montague.

Twelve past Presidents attended the dinner.

Front row: Jerry Fedeler, Bob Huntington, Cory Fuller, Nancy Boucher Alan Robertson and Ken Smith. Back Row: Joe Marcel, Mal Kitson, Tom Mullin, David Lloyd, Doug Bryant and Gary Arnesen.

Entertainment was provided by the Chatham Brass Ensemble

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