Noon luncheon meetings are held on the first two Tuesdays of each month, at Charlie Brown's Steakhouse in Chatham Township. Breakfast meetings are held at 8:00 AM on the last two or three Tuesdays of each month. Breakfast meetings are held at Charlie Brown’s Steakhouse in Chatham Township. Guests are always welcomed to attend our Tuesday meetings. COME JOIN US


May 4 Meeting Announcements

There were quite a few announcements instead of singing at the start of the meeting. Marge circulated a card in memory of Palmer Sze. Rich reported that Joan was home from RIM and doing well.

Jerry reported on Cole Park May Day clean-up. There was a good turn-out by members, MHS Key Club and St. Vincent’s Martyr school. We had a nice time and this was a good project.

Gary reported on our scheduled Thursday May 20, 9 am NJ Clean Communities clean-up of Ogden St. area in Chatham Borough. He passed around a sign-up sheet and map of the clean-up location.

Rich distributed Guidelines for doing the yard sale. Tasks and volunteers are described in these “marching orders”. Thirteen tables are needed for Kiwanians selling items for the club. If members have tables, please bring them to the sale. All members are asked to collect and bring bags to the sale to put items into when customers buy them.

Governor-Elect Marc Litwack congratulated the club on increasing membership by 2 so far this year. He reported that he is closing his business on June 1 after 34 years and has office items for sale at an extremely reasonable price. Nominations floor invited but none was made.

The May 4 scheduled fund raising brain-storming meeting is postponed.

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